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CAPP Training and Learning Opportunities

ACT for Youth offers training and learning opportunities each year to providers funded by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH). NYSDOH requires CAPP staff to participate in certain trainings; other trainings are recommended but not required.

Online Courses

ACT for Youth has created two web-based courses for the CAPP initiative. The goal of "Implementing Evidence-Based Programs" is to increase knowledge of evidence-based programs (EBPs) and their implementation, and to develop educators' ability to deliver these programs with quality. This course is required for CAPP educators and recommended for Health Educator Supervisors. The Health Educator Supervisor Training focuses on the critical role played by supervisors and offers background and tools for success.

Once you have your log-in information, you can access the courses at the links below. Health Educator Supervisors can request log-ins for themselves and their educators for either or both courses by completing this form: Request log-in for online courses.

Required and Recommended Training

Role Required Recommended
CAPP Supervisor NYSDOH Bureau of Perinatal, Reproductive, and Sexual Health (BPRASH) Provider Meeting

Supervisor Training (online course)

Implementing EBPs (online course)

Observation Training

Positive Youth Development 101

Trauma-Informed Approach

CAPP Educator

Implementing EBPs (online course)

Training of Educators: Project AIM (if using this EBP)

Training of Facilitators: TOP (if using this EBP)

Training of Educators for BPBR, MPC

Facilitation Fundamentals

Teaching Anatomy and Reproduction

Positive Youth Development 101

Trauma-Informed Approach

TA Sessions and Learning Communities

ACT for Youth brings together learning communities focused on certain topics or the needs of particular audiences. Technical Assistance (TA) sessions and learning communities are convened via Zoom on a regular basis to facilitate sharing resources and strategies. Sometimes CAPP providers are joined by provider groups from other NYS adolescent health initiatives in these learning community meetings. Check the CAPP Training Calendar for upcoming opportunities.


Find the current schedule of trainings, webinars, and learning communities here:

New to the field of sexual health?

Find additional training opportunities from these organizations:

Your local Planned Parenthood affiliate may also be able to provide in-service training.